This web site was set up to ensure that Great Gransden Parish Council can let parishioners and other interested parties have access to documents such as

  • the agenda and minutes of Parish Council meetings and Annual Parish meetings,
  • policy documents,
  • financial reports,

and other information that the Parish Council is required to make available online. Of course, we wish to ensure as many as possible can access this information, so we simplified the design of the site, made sure that there is sufficient contrast to improve legibility, tested the site on various size screens, and checked to ensure the site works with text-to-speech software. We have an Accessibility Policy that was formally adopted in September 2020, and have produced an Accessibility Report to describe how we tested the then-current version of the site. To further improve accessibility in 2021 we moved from Google Classic Sites to WordPress. We are currently revising it to improve navigation and ensure all necessary information is present, and hope to provide a new accessibility report by the end of 2022, but in the meantime if there are any problems or you have any suggestions for improvement, please contact us.

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